Okulus Supports Phenomenal Success for HCAS Rehash Reunion with Targeted Digital Marketing Mastery

Okulus fuels HCAS’s Rehash Reunion success through targeted digital marketing expertise. With precision strategies across social media, email, and SEO, Okulus drives 750 alumni participation. This partnership showcases the transformative power of digital initiatives in amplifying event success and fostering strong alumni connections.

1.Who the client is?

HCAS, short for Hindustan College of Arts and Science, is a prestigious educational institution located in India. Chennai. Known for its commitment to academic excellence and fostering a strong alumni network, HCAS sought to reconnect with its former students through an alumni meet named “Rehash Reunion.”

2.Objective When They Came to Okulus:

HCAS approached Okulus with the objective of organizing a successful alumni meet, aiming to reconnect with its alumni base and foster a sense of community among its former students. With a target of engaging 750 alumni from across India, HCAS recognized the importance of leveraging digital marketing strategies to reach its audience effectively.

3.Strategy Employed by Okulus:

To achieve HCAS’s objectives, Okulus devised a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to maximize reach and engagement for the “Rehash Reunion” event. The strategy included:

1. Targeted Social Media Campaigns: Okulus utilized social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to target HCAS alumni based on demographics, interests, and geographic location. Engaging content, including event teasers, alumni success stories, and nostalgic throwbacks, were strategically shared to generate excitement and encourage participation.

2. Email Marketing Campaigns: Okulus leveraged HCAS’s alumni database to craft personalized email invitations and reminders. These emails highlighted the significance of the event, showcased notable alumni achievements, and provided registration details, driving attendance and participation.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Okulus optimized HCAS’s website and event landing page for relevant keywords and phrases related to alumni reunions, ensuring high visibility in search engine results. This increased organic traffic to the event page, leading to higher registration rates.

4.Data Points and Numbers Relating to Growth:

Through Okulus’s targeted digital marketing efforts, HCAS witnessed remarkable growth and success for the “Rehash Reunion” event:

750 Alumni Participation: Despite the logistical challenges posed by the pandemic and geographical dispersion, Okulus’s strategic approach resulted in the successful engagement of all 750 alumni targeted by HCAS.

Social Media Reach: The social media campaigns orchestrated by Okulus achieved impressive reach and engagement metrics, with over 100,000 impressions generated across various platforms. Additionally, the event hashtag #RehashReunion trended nationally, further amplifying HCAS’s visibility and alumni engagement.

Email Conversion Rate: Okulus’s personalized email marketing campaigns boasted a high conversion rate, with over 60% of recipients registering to attend the event. This demonstrated the effectiveness of targeted communication in driving alumni participation and event success.


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